
Printed Compostable carrier bags

Powerpack launches the production of printed Compostable carrier bags. The bags are produced with the “in house” developed and produced resin ECOLENE.

Download the leaflet (for the moment only available in Dutch):


Powerpack nv launches F.A.S.T: Facilitate Access to Sustainable Technology!

Powerpack nv has invested in the development of bio-compostable raw materials in recent years. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has made it clear that international trade flows are coming under pressure and that more local production can strengthen our independence from third countries / producers. Local production also means that we can avoid long and environmentally unfriendly transport lines. Worldwide, efforts are being made to make the economy greener, as a result of which the plastics sector is under heavy fire. Regulations are forcing us to accelerate our efforts to use recycled materials and / or renewable, compostable raw materials. This transition costs money and the challenge is to keep our companies competitive! In this context, Powerpak nv launches its F.A.S.T program: Facilitate Access to Sustainable Technology. We enable you to produce your own bio-compostable raw materials “locally” in a cost-effective manner, thereby significantly increasing your profitability and market share. Download our brochure here:


Ecolene certified

TÜV Austria has certified the first own developed grades:

  • F40T: OK Compost industrial
  • F41X: OK Compost home
Click on the following links to download the product data sheets and official certificates:

Datasheet Ecolene F40T
Datasheet Ecolene F41X
Certificate OK compost INDUSTRIAL
Certificate OK compost HOME

Powerpack Kosovo

Powerpack LLC is a joint venture with shareholders Powerpack nv (B) and Scampa (KS) and is located in the business park "Drenas" | 13050 Korrotice, Kosovo, 15 minutes from the international airport of Prestina.

A completely new production facility was built for this purpose. Around 25 new employees will start working there from mid-September 2019. The initial installed capacity is approximately 2.000 tonnes on an annual basis.

Powerpack LLC will focus primarily on the EU market. Her product range includes all types of waste bags on the roll (bottom seal, drawstring and wave top). These can be printed or unprinted.

You can send your price requests directly to


In order to be able to comply with the changing legislation regarding the mandatory use of recycled plastics in the production of waste bags and to meet the requirements of the tracing process for the use of recycled plastics, Powerpack has suited the action to the word. Powerpack started a procedure at the BQA to fully go for obtaining the QA CER L 2 certificate. QA CER level 2 includes all requirements of level 1, whereby product control is intended by an external approved organization. QA CER L2 therefore applies to companies that want to guarantee the technical specifications of their products, both for the recycled material and for the end product. The products that fall under the certificate are clearly described on the certificate.

Powerpack and its staff are therefore proud to have obtained the certificate for a first three-year period just before the summer holiday period 2019!

For Powerpack, it will be an important challenge to work together with plastic recyclers, which also place great emphasis on traceability and quality. Therefore, only recycled processors will be considered as raw material suppliers who have an EUCERTPLAST certificate.

For example, Powerpack guarantees through its raw material suppliers the quality of the used recycled raw materials in terms of the recycled content and in terms of the quality of the end product. With this Powerpack fully supports the environmental sustainability.

Certificate - QA-CER L2


Plesstics was founded by one of the largest plastic manufacturers in Europe that started developing and producing thinner plastics many years ago in order to lower the amount of plastics.

And it has been improving this complicated process in the years that followed, which leads to 40% thinner plastics today. But they too know that only lowering the thickness of their product isn’t enough to lessen the worldwide plastic problem.

So today, more and more parties involved realize that lowering the amount of the plastic pollution can no longer be done by single initiatives, as well intended as they may be. Different parties have to work together!

That’s why a variety of parties involved such as plastic suppliers, - producers, - recyclers, and also universities, politicians, NGO’s, and even consumers that want to help are invited to become part of this alliance.

And you’re invited too!